WSO2 Carbon Server Home Page

When you log on to the WSO2 Carbon Server, the home page displays information about the server hosting envrionment, the JVM configuration information, the deployed operating system and the logged in user information in four separate tables.

Host The server IP address
Server URL URL of the hosted services
Server Start Time The server start time, displayed precisely to the second.
System Up Time The up time of the system, displayed precisely to the second.
Version Server version
Repository Location The respository location folder used by Carbon.
Operating System
OS Name The version of the operating system used by the server
OS Version The version of the operating system
Operating System User
Country The locale of the operating system user running the Carbon server.
Home The home directory of the operating system user running Carbon.
Name The name of the operating system user running Carbon.
Timezone The timezone of the operating system user running Carbon.
Java VM
Java Home The location of the Java runtime library
Java Runtime Name The Java runtime name ( For example : Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition )
Java Version The version of the Java runtime library
Java Vendor The Java runtime vendor
Java VM Version The version of the Java virtual machine
Registry Type Values can be 'Embedded' or 'Remote'. Indicates whether this server uses an embedded Registry or remote Registry
Registry Database Name Name of the Registry DB
Registry Database Version Version of the Registry DB
Database Driver Name Name of the JDBC driver used
Database Driver Version Version of the JDBC driver used
Database URL JDBC URL of the Embedded Registry DB